Your journey Towards healing

As-Salaamu Aleykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
May this post find you safe and well

Dear you, the one who is silently struggling. I know how you can find a way out of this chaos. It is through knowledge.
Your recovery starts with knowing about Allah, your religion and the purpose of your life. Once you understand the wisdom behind everything that happens, the role of Qadr in the direction your life takes and how loving Allah is, you will never let your mind entertain thoughts of ending your life.
Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not religious enough. All you need is a reminder and a good source of knowledge.
Once you’ve elevated in wisdom, you will begin to heal and you will begin to heal all those around you.
I truly believe in you and in the better days that are yet to come.
You are going to get through this, not because you can but because Allah can.

Oh Allah, please forgive me for all of the bad that I’ve done, and I continue to do. You are so Merciful and kind, please forgive me, and help me stay away from all that’s wrong. It’s so hard for me, and I’m so weak but You are the Strong. Please increase me in sincerity.

Ya Allah, I beg You, please guide my loved ones towards You. Do not let them die without realizing who their Lord is. Let them see the truth and help them resist the pressure of friends who try to turn them away from You.

Aameen Ya Rabbal Alameen

Islamic Reminder: