When the Moon Split

When the Moon Split 🌕(38)
When the pagans were asking prophet Mohammed peace be upon him to show them a miracal, some thing happened by the power of God !!
At first, the pagans could not believe what they saw. The moon had been split in two before their eyes.

The moon split in half 🌓so that each half appeared on either side of Mount Hira. “Be you all witnesses,” the Prophet ﷺ said.

After the initial shock, however, they determined that it was nothing but the sorcery of the son of Abu Kabasha. “Maybe he has put a spell on us, so let’s wait until some travellers arrive in Makkah🕋 and ask them if they also saw it.” As soon as some travellers arrived in Makkah, the Makkans asked them if they had seen the strange sight. The travellers confirmed they too had seen the wonderous sight of the cleft moon🌑. Now there was no doubt what they had witnessed, but the Quraysh stubornly clutched their disbelief.🚫

The Night Journey and Ascension 💥

Perhaps two of the most significant and remarkable events in the Prophet’s ﷺ life were his “Israa” (Night Journey) and “Mi’raaj” (Ascension). “Israa” refers to how one night
Allah took Muhammad from the Ka’bah🕋 to Bait Al-Maqdis🕌 in Jerusalem, and “Mi’raaj” refers to the Prophet’s ﷺ actual ascension to heaven from Jerusalem.

The Prophet’s “Israa” is mentioned in the Qur’an in the
following verse: “Glory to Allah Who took His slave on a journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose presincts I did bless, in order that I might show him some of My signs. Verily, Allah hears and sees all things.” (17: 1)

💥The story of the Prophet’s ﷺ Night Journey and Ascension is
both beautiful and instructive. It began when the angel Jibreel عليه السلام descended on the Ka’bah 🕋with a “Buraq” – an animal bigger than an ass and smaller than a donkey, that could travel to the farthest horizon with one stride. The Prophet ﷺand Jibreel rode the Buraq to the Sacred Mosque of Worship in Jerusalem. Once there, the Prophet ﷺ tethered the animal outside the mosque.

The Prophet ﷺ entered the mosque to find assembled there
all the previous prophets⁦❣️⁩, whom he then led in prayer, Jibreel brought two vessels to the Prophet ﷺ, one filled with wine🥃, the other with milk🥛. The Prophet ﷺ chose the second vessel🥛. Jibreel commented on the Prophet’s choice: “You chose milk🥛 in accordance with the purity of your nature❣️. Hence you have received guidance and your followers have too. Had you chosen the wine, your followers would have been astray.”🚫

The Prophet ﷺ was then taken to the first level of heaven,
which was the first stage of his Ascension. Jibreel asked for the door to be opened for the Prophet ﷺ, and there stood Adam عليه السلام, the first man prophet. Adam said, “Peace be upon you,” to which the Prophet ﷺ responded, “And upon you be peace.” Adam then testified that Muhammad was the Prophet of Allah. Adam looked to his right and smiled, and then looked to his left and wept.

We will know why Adam عليه السلام did that Next Time 💥


Do not forget to share the life of our prophet SAW to get the reward


Read from first part https://islamicreminder.org/the-history-life-of-prophet-muhammad-pbuh/

Islamic Reminder: