A Muslim is one who submits him/her self to the One true Creator in obedience and sincerity. For one to enter into Islam, the Shahadah (declaration of faith) must be recited with conviction and he/she must adhere to and believe in the five Pillars of Islam and six articles of faith as below:

— Five Pillars of Islam
1. Shahada (Testimony of Faith)
2. Salat (Prayer)
3. Zakah (Alms giving/charity)
4. Sawm (Fasting in Ramadan)
5. Hajj (Annual Pilgrimage)

– Shahada (Testimony of Faith) – Reciting the Shahada is the fundamental step of submission to Islam and the most important pillar which constitutes a person’s true belief. It’s a declaration of faith recited with conviction as follows: “Ashadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadar rasulullah” (I bear witness that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)

– Salat (Prayer) – Praying five times a day is an obligation upon every Muslim. It’s the direct link between the worshipper and his/her Lord and a time where the mind, body and soul are united in worship and humility. Prayer constantly keeps one connected to Allah and it’s a chance to call upon Him, profess our gratitude for the everyday blessings, recharge our faiths and a reminder that there is no one Greater than Allah. Prayer is made in the direction of Mecca and is carried out in a state of ritual purity.

– Zakah (Alms giving/charity) – Zakah is an obligatory annual charity. A Muslim must share a fixed portion of his/her wealth (2.5% of their profitable wealth) to those who are less fortunate. This is apart from the everyday voluntary charity that Muslims are encouraged to give to the needy.

– Sawm (Fasting) – Every year in the month of Ramadan (9th month of the Islamic calendar), Muslims fast from dawn to sunset abstaining from food, drink and sexual relations. Fasting is a means of self-purification, God-consciousness, spiritual growth and a time to reflect and show gratitude of Allah’s bounties upon us as we realize the pain and hunger the poor experience on a daily basis.

– Hajj (Annual Pilgrimage) – The pilgrimage to Mecca is a once in a lifetime obligation for every Muslim who is physically and financially able to perform it. It’s a time of self renewal, self purification, practicing humility and piety. The reward of performing an accepted Hajj is forgiveness of past sins. It’s a time where the symbols of Allah is honored and serves as a reminder of the legacy of Prophet Ibrahim.

— The Six Articles of Faith
1. Belief in the Oneness of God
2. Belief in the Angels
3. Belief in the Divine Scriptures
4. Belief in the Messengers of Allah
5. Belief in the Last Day
6. Belief in Divine Pre-ordainment (Good & Bad)

– Belief in the Oneness of God – Allah is the One & Only True God. None has the right to be worshiped but Him. He is the Creator and Sustainer of all that exists. It is He Who gives life and causes death. He has no equal. He does not beget, nor is he begotten, and there is none like unto Him. He is Unique in His Names and Attributes.

– Belief in the Angels – Angels are spiritual creatures made from light and were created for the purpose of worshiping Allah perpetually. They are pure and obedient creations of Allah who execute all His commands. There are angels who record our deeds, angels who guard us and angels who are in charge of other tasks. The most notable of angels is Jibreel (Gabriel) who is responsible for delivering Divine revelations to the Messengers of Allah.

– Belief in the Divine Scriptures – Allah revealed His Books through His Messengers to serve as guidance to mankind. These scriptures are: the Scrolls (revealed to Abraham), The Torah (Book revealed to Moses), the Pslams (Book revealed to David), the Gospel (revealed to Jesus) and the final Book, the Quran (revealed to Muhammad) peace and blessings be upon them all.

– Belief in the Messengers of Allah – All Prophets and Messengers were mortal human beings who were chosen by Allah to convey His Divine Message and teach their nations how to believe and submit to the One True God. Their message were supported by miracles under the Will of Allah but no Prophet or Messenger had Divine qualities. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent as the last and final Messenger of Allah.

– Belief in the Last Day – Everyone shall taste death. On the Day of Judgment, all will be resurrected and return back to Allah to be accounted for the deeds done in this life and will be rewarded or punished accordingly. For those who had the correct belief and obeyed Allah and His Messengers, they will be rewarded with Paradise, while those who denied Allah and His Message, they will be punished in Hell.

– Belief in Divine Pre-ordainment – Everything that happens in our lives and in this Universe (whether good or bad) was already known by Allah. His Knowledge is pre-existent and nothing which happens is except by His Power and Permission. We are given free will to either do good or bad, but within the boundaries of Divine Decree. Allah is aware of our past, present and future and everything is but by His Will.

Islamic Reminder:

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