What is Sadaqah Jariyah?

Sadaqah Jariyah means a continuous, flowing and ongoing charity. It is one of the most rewarding acts we can do in our lives as the benefits of giving this type of charity can be reaped in this lifetime and long after we have passed.

Allah (swt) guarantees to record these continuous acts of charity in the following verse:

 “Indeed, it is We who bring the dead to life and record what they have put forth and what they left behind, and all things We have accounted for in a clear register.” (Qur’an, 36:12)

The following famous Hadith gives us the good news that even after our death, Sadaqah Jariyah continues to benefit us:

On the authority of Abu Hurairah (ra) that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, ‘When a person dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: Sadaqah Jariyah (a continuous charity), or knowledge from which benefit is gained, or a righteous child who prays for him’. (Muslim)

To put it simply, they both count as ‘Sadaqah’ (voluntary charity). However, ‘Sadaqah’ on its own will benefit the recipient on a single occasion and will count as one good deed for the giver. ‘Sadaqah Jariyah’ will benefit the recipients more than once and that good deed will continue rewarding you even after your death.

For example, giving someone something to eat is a Sadaqah and will benefit that person in that moment whereas building a well where people can regularly draw water is a Sadaqah Jariyah and will benefit people for generations to come and in turn will continue benefiting you in this life and the next in sha’ Allah.

There are numerous types of Sadaqah Jariyah but in the following hadith seven are mentioned by name:

On the authority of Abu Hurairah (ra) who said, ‘the Prophet (saw) said, “Indeed, the rewards of his actions and good deeds that will reach a believer after his death are: [1] knowledge which he taught and spread; [2] a righteous child whom he leaves behind; [3] a copy of the Qur’an that he leaves as a legacy; [4] or a masjid that he built; [5] or a house that he built for wayfarers; [6] a canal that he dug; [7] or charity that he gave from his wealth in his good health and life. [These deeds] will reach him after his death”’. (Ibn Majah)

At Muslim Hands, we offer a wide range of Sadaqah Jariyah projects to suit every budget. From education and water schemes, to orphan sponsorships and livelihood programmes, our Sadaqah Jariyah projects enable people to help themselves beyond the initial intervention, ensuring that both them and you reap the benefits for years to come in sha’ Allah.

One of the best things about Sadaqah Jariyah is that you can give on behalf of the deceased and benefit them directly without decreasing your own rewards. When you lose a loved one, there is nothing that can ever take their place and it is often very hard to find the perfect way to honour their memory. Giving a Sadaqah Jariyah is one of the best things you can do for a loved one and something that they can benefit greatly from.

This is clearly indicated in the following hadith when a companion’s (ra) mother passed away and he sought the beloved Prophet’s (saw) advice about what to do for her:

On the authority of Sa‘d bin ’Ubadah (ra) that he said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! Umm (mother of) Sa‘d has died, so which charity is best?’ He [saw] replied, “Water (is best).” He said, ‘So he [ra] dug a well and said, “This (well) is for Umm Sa‘d”’. (Abu Dawud)

What also happens when we deliver our Sadaqah Jariyah projects is that the recipients make du’a in abundance on behalf of the donor. So, not only is the donor gaining reward for the project, they also benefit from the du’as made for them by strangers whom they’ve never even seen or met, Subhan Allah!


Giving Sadaqah is considered an altruistic deed and is an excellent way to show your faith and devotion to Allah (SWT), although you should only give within your means. However. giving goods or resource is not the only way Sadaqah is recognised, as the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

To smile in the company of your brother is charity. To command to do good deeds and to prevent others from doing evil is charity. To guide a person in a place where he cannot get astray is charity. To remove troublesome things like thorns and bones from the road is charity. To pour water from your jug into the jug of your brother is charity. To guide a person with defective vision is charity for you.

Sadaqah is not giving solely for reward but is the act of giving or helping for good and for the respect of Allah (SWT). There is no set time when Sadaqah must be paid and unlike Zakat, it is not obligatory, and you do not need to offer a regular donation.

The Different Types of Sadaqah

Sadaqah is given in many different ways, from offering simple kindness to a brother or sister to investing in an important structure like a school, orphanage or water pump that could continue to support people for many more years to come.

There are different forms of Sadaqah depending on the length and purpose of the contribution. These are:

  • Sadaqah Lillah – The act of giving charity for the sake of Allah (SWT)
  • Sadaqah Jariya – The act of giving charity continuously

Any type of asset that is donated, purchased or inherited in order to provide for continuous charity is known as Waqf.

Are There Conditions for Giving Sadaqah?

Unlike Zakat, Sadaqah can be received by anyone in need and there are no restrictions around donating Sadaqah at any time during the year or the individual’s lifetime.

When making your Sadaqah contribution, you should never brag or boast about your giving. Your donation must be made privately between you, the recipient and Allah (SWT) who will return your generosity with forgiveness, love and respect. When you have decided to give your Sadaqah, you should not count what you give, choosing to give as much as possible in assistance and you must not delay once your Sadaqah has been decided.

It’s also a necessity for Sadaqah to only be given from a halal or lawful source.

Give Your Sadaqah Today

If you choose to donate Sadaqah in the name of Allah (SWT) with UK Islamic Mission, our team will be more than happy to distribute your donation to those you would like to assist. Supplying warm meals, clean water, life-sustaining shelters, or providing less fortunate individuals with opportunities they would otherwise go without.

Charity does not in any way decrease the wealth and the servant who forgives, Allah adds to his respect; and the one who shows humility, Allah elevates him in the estimation (of the people).

Source : www.ukim.org and muslimhands.org.uk