Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه paid a great price for rescuing the Prophet ﷺ😔. The mob beat him violently, and his face was so battered that his nose was indistinguishable from his face. The people from Banu Taym wrapped him up and took him to his house. They were sure that he would not live to see the next day.
Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه, however, survived the assault. That evening he asked about the Prophet ﷺ. The people of Banu Taym rebuked him for his stubborn loyalty to the Prophet ﷺ and went away. Unconcerned about his own health, Abu Bakr refused to food and drink insistent on seeing the Prophet ﷺ to make sure he was alive and well❣️.

Finally, in the still darkness he was taken to the Prophet ﷺ in Dar Al-Arqam. There he saw the Prophet ﷺ , and only then did he eat and drink. Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه suffered more and more at the hands of the Makkan pagans, until he decided to migrate to Abyssinia. With this intention, he left Makkah🕋 and headed for what had become a place of refuge for the Muslims. When he reached Bark Ghimad, he happened to meet Malik bin Dughunna, the leader of Qara and Ahabish.

Malik asked him why he had left Makkah. When Abu Bakr told him he was migrating to Abyssinia, Malik voiced his disapproval: “A man like you cannot be expelled. You help the destitute, you keep good relations with your family, you bear the burden of the helpless, you are hospitable with guests, and you comfort those who suffer for the sake of truth. I pledge to protect you. Come along with me and pray to your Lord in your city.”

Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه accepted Malik’s pledge of protection, and bothjourneyed together to Makkah. Malik bin Dughunna then announced that Abu Bakr was under his protection. The Quraysh accepted his pledge of safety for Abu Bakr on the condition that no one would see him. The pagans feared that their women, children and more impressionable members would be influenced by such an open show of Islam.

Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه abided by this stupulation for a while. He later made himself a prayer area in his courtyard where he started
praying and reciting the Qur’an in the open. When Ibn Dughunna learned of this, he reminded him of the condition under which he had pledged his safety. Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه then released him from his pledge saying,
“I am agreeable to the protection and guarantee of my Lord.”

Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه was not only devout, but also tender-hearted.
The Qur’an, with its promise of reward and punishment, its descriptions of Allah’s creation, and its narratives about previous prophets moved him to tears. As he recited its verses, Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه would weep. Women and children would crowd around👉, watching in amazement at this show of emotion over the Qur’an. The men of Quraysh were not about to tolerate this display for long and renewed their resolve to harrass him.

Not all the Makkans, however, took such a harsh view of
Islam. Even the pillars of pagan society found their stony hearts crumbling when in solitude they considered the Prophet’s message. They were no less impressed by his courage in standing up to the Quraysh and his enduring patience.


Do not forget to share the life of our prophet SAW to get the reward


Islamic Reminder: