The ugly spirit

The ugly spirit 💔 (94)

While the Muslims were at the spring in Muraysi, a man from
the Ansar clashed with a Muhajir. The Ansari was beaten and called the other Ansar to his rescue, while the Muhajir called out to the Muhajireen. The people who came up polarised themselves according to their place of origin – Makkah and Madinah. As the calls “O Ansar!” “O Muhajireen!” rang out, the Prophet ﷺ recognised the ugly spirit of factionalism threatening the brotherhood of Muslims, and he intervened immediately.

“I am still among you,” he said. “I hear calls from the Days
of Ignorance. Ignore them, for they are foul.” Contritely, the two groups dispersed and returned to the path of brotherhood and unity.🤝

Meanwhile, a large number of men from the faction of the
Hypocrites were present on this expedition, as was their leader, Abdullah bin Ubayy. The incident at the spring was fodder for making mischief and nurturing resentment, He addressed the Ansar:

“How dare they [the Muhajireen] rise up against us? Here we
are in our own country and they have come in and tried to outnumber us. By God, it is just as the ancients said: Feed the dog, and it will bite you. I swear by God that when we return to Madinah, the worthy and noble ones will drive out the unworthy wretches.”

By the worthy, he was referring to himself, of course, while the unworthy one in his eyes who deserved to be driven out was the Prophet . Admonishing his men, he continued:

“You yourselves have wrought this. You allowed them to settle in your country and shared your property with them. By God, had you held back and not been so generous, they would have surely gone elsewhere.”

Listening to Abdullah spew out his venom was a young Companion of the Prophet ﷺ , Zayd bin Arqam , who immediately brought the matter to the Prophet’s attention.

Abdullah bin Ubayy was sent for and asked about his diatribe, which he denied upon oath, swearing the Prophet ﷺ had been misinformed. His glib words saved him on that occasion, but the revelation of Surah Al-Munaafiqoon published the truth, and the name of Abdullah bin Ubayy stands disgraced until the Day of Judgment.👍

Ironically, Abdullah’s son, who bore the same name as his
father, was a true believer who was incensed by his father’s machinations. He rushed to Madinah ahead of the running troops and stood there barring his father’s way. As he faced his father, he said:

“By Allah, until the Prophet ﷺ permits, you will not be
allowed to advance an inch, for it is he who is honourable and you who are dishonourable.” The Prophet ﷺ told Abdullah to allow his father back into
Madinah and a mortified Abdullah bin Ubayy brooded over how to destroy the peace.

What had begun as a simple disagreement between two men at a spring had escalated into a rift dividing an entire community and a father and his son, but this episode also showed that the only kinship of consequence
is through righteousness and faith.🌹

A tragic event will happen next time 💔
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and read the first parts from here👇👇.

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