Surah Al-Muddaththir was not a set of instructions for the Prophet alone. Its message was explicit for the believers as well. In its verses they were given a set of rules to live by, rules that still bind Muslims to the laws of Allah. The Surah teaches the believers how to praise and invoke Allah, some of whose principal attributes are also mentioned in the verses. We learn through it that each person will reap what good or bad he sows in this world, and that he will receive the recompense for it in the next world. It guides one to the way of true success.
Other duties and acts of worship were instituted with subsequent revelations. Once the bedrock of faith in Allah and His Messenger had been firmly established, the believers were instructed to build on their faith with acts of worship. The first duty ordained at the beginning of the Prophet’s mission was Salah (prayer). Jibreel taught the Prophet how to perform prayers and wudu (ablution), and asked him to offer two Rak’ah (units of prayer) morning and evening.
Since Wudu was made a prerequisite of prayer, perfect purity became the sign of a believer. Salah was based on Surah AlFatihah, the opening Surah of the Quran, and praise and glorification of Allah punctuated each movement made during prayer. Salah was now established as the mainstay of the believer’s faith, and act of worship to be offered twice a day. Trying to keep their worship pristine, far from the idolatrous practices of Makkah, the believers would perform Salah in secluded places like vales and passes.
At this stage the Prophet’s revelations focused mainly on the Prophet’s
articles of faith and the different aspects of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah). These early revelations exhorted the
Companions to purify their souls, aroused in them a sense of morality, and vividly described Paradise and Hell. With their themes of transience of life, the permanence of the Hereafter, eternal joy and everlasting punishment, the verses of the Qur’an offered much in the way of inspiration and admonition.
The Prophet taught his followers the meanings of the verses revealed to him, and he offered them a perfect model of how to live by the teachings of the Qur’an. He led them from the darkness of unbelief into the light of faith by showing them the Straight Path and counselling them to hold fast to the Religion of Allah.
Although the Prophet had not yet preached his message in public, the Quraysh came to know of his activities. Some of the believers openly practiced their new faith, but the Quraysh in general paid no attention to it. Similarly, the Prophet did not oppose them or their gods.
Open propagation of Islam
The first years of the Prophet’s mission had focused on bringing the message of Islam to individuals, a discerning few among the Quraysh and other tribes had embraced Islam, but their numbers were hardly overwhelming. Now Allah ordered his Messenger to warn his kinsmen about idolatry. He was also asked to keep in his fold those who believed in the Message and to renounce ties with those who rejected his mission.
After receiving this order, the Prophet assembled his nearest kindred, the tribe of Banu Hashim, including a few people from Banu Muttalib. Addressing the gathering, he first praised and glorified Allah and bore witness to His Oneness. Then he told them:
“I am the Messenger of Allah, and have been sent to you in particular, and to all mankind in general. I swear by Allah that you will die in the same way you sleep at night, and that you will be resurrected similar to how you rise from sleep in the morning. Following this, your account will be taken from you and then your good will be paid with good, and bad with bad.”
The Prophet’s audience let him have his say. His uncle Abu Lahab was alone in saying, “Stop him before all Arabia unties against him. If you hand him over to them then, you will be put to disgrace. And if you try to save him, you will be killed.”
The Prophet’s other uncle, Abu Talib, said, “I swear by Allah
that we will protect him as long as we live.” Abu Talib then told his nephew, “You try to fulfil what you have been ordered to do. By Allah, I shall always defend you, even though I prefer not to abandon the religion of Abdul Muttalib.”
Do you want to know what happened