The message (82)
Abdullah bin Ubayy, the head of the Hypocrites, sent the Jews a message urging them to stay on, for he had two thousand warriors ready to enter their fortress and defend them.
The Hypocrites had once more struck to undermine the Prophet’s position. Surah Al-Hashr refers to the tenuous alliance and how it was patched together with lies:
“Did you not observe the Hypocrites tell their faithless friends from among the people of the book, “If you are driven out, we will accompany you. We will never obey your enemies, and if you are attacked, we will defend you.” But Allah is witness that they are liars.” (59: 11)
The Jews felt emboldened at such shows of support from
their purported friends. They sent a message to the Prophet ﷺ that they were not about to leave Madinah regardless of the consequences.
The Prophet ﷺ responded, “Allahu Akbar!” and his
Companions echoed the cry. It was a call to arms. Entrusting the safety of Madinah to Ibn Umm Maktoom and the Muslim standard to Ali, the Prophet ﷺ and his troops advanced towards the territory of Banu Nadir and laid siege to them.
The Jews took refuge in their fortresses and castles and showered arrows and stones at the Muslim army. Since their date graves and gardens stood as a buffer zone, the Prophet ﷺ
ordered his men to cut
down the trees and set the gardens ablaze. This act sank the spirits of Banu Nadir. After six days of holding out – some say a fortnight- they agreed to lay down arms on condition that they would be allowed to go safely into exile.
Their friends among the Banu Quraydha had failed to support them, as had the head of the Hypocrites and his allies. “Their allies deceived them the way Satan does when he says
to a man, “Disbelieve in Allah.” When the man listens to him and commits disbelief, Satan suddenly says, “I am not responsible for your decision. I fear Allah, the Lord of the Universe!” (59: 16)
The Prophet ﷺ allowed the Jews to take all their belongings
except their arms. They carried with them whatever they could – even the doors , windows and beams of their houses.
The Qur’an refers to this event in the following verse:
“Allah drove out the faithless tribe of Jews from their homes at the first gathering. You did not think that they would leave, and they thought their fortress would protect from Allah! But Allah approached them in a way they did not expect by their own hands as well as by the believers. Reflect on this event, those of you who have eyes.” (59: 2)
Khaybar Thus the Jews left Madinah, most of them settling wile a small group migrated to Syria. The land in confiscated from the Jews was divided among the first Makkan emigrants, while Abu Dujana and Sahl bin Haneef, two members of the Ansar, were given plots because of their financial situation. The Prophet ﷺ used part of the revenue from the land to maintain his wives for the whole year.
The rest he spent on defence and for providing horses and arms for the Muslim warriors. Fifty coats of mail, fifty helmets and three hundred swords that had been seized were also distributed among the Muslim troops.
But there will be an important appointment soonwait for next post to know more
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