The Journey To Ta’if (35)
The Prophet ﷺ marries Saudah and then Aishah رضي الله عنهما
A year later the Prophet ﷺ married Aishah رضي الله عنها , in the month of Shawwal. This marriage was also solemnised in Makkah
The Prophet ﷺ journeys to Ta’if
Along the way to Ta’if, the Prophet ﷺ invited each tribe he
encountered to embrace Islam. Finally, he reached Ta’if and met three brothers, all chieftains of the Thaqif tribe. He invited them to Islam and asked them to help him spread his message, but they responded with hostility.
The Prophet ﷺ left the chieftains and looked for others to talk with about Islam. For the next few days he continued his search to find anyone who would open his heart to Allah’s word
Zayd tried to protect the Prophet ﷺ from their blows, and in
doing so suffered several cuts on his head. The Prophet ﷺ and Zayd escaped and sought refuge three miles away in an orchard belonging to Utbah and Sheba, the sons of Rabi’a. There the Prophet ﷺ sat down in the shade of a wall covered
with grapevines and prayed to Allah in a supplication known as Du’aa Al-Mustad’afeen (the Prayer of the Oppressed):
“O Allah! I complain to You of my weakness and humiliation
before the people. You are the Most Merciful, the Lord of the weak and my Lord too. To whom have you entrusted me? To one who does not care for me? Or have you appointed my enemiy as master of my affairs? So long as You are not angry with me, I care not. Your favour is abundant for me. I seek refuge in the light of Your Face, by which all darkness is dispelled and every affair of this world and the next is set right, lest Your anger or Your displeasure descend upon me. I desire Your pleasure and satisfaction. There is no power and no might except in You.”
The sons of Rabi’a, who saw the Prophet ﷺ taking refuge in
their orchard, were moved by the sight of a weary traveller with a long road ahead of him, and sent their slave Addas to him with a bunch of grapes
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