The Battle of the Trench

The Battle of the Trench  (84)

When the news of the coalition reached Madinah, the
Prophet conferred with his Companions as to strategy. The Muslims being so heavily outnumbered, it was imperative that they come up with an impenetrable defence.

Salman Al-Farsi advised that the Muslims should dig a trench to keep the enemy away, and everyone approved of the suggestion.

Madinah was naturally fortified on three fronts, with volcanic plains and granite hills to the east, west and south; the city was exposed only on the north, from where the enemy forces could launch an assault. Therefore, the Prophet ﷺ chose to fortify that front. He marked the narrowest spot stretching between the east and west and covering a distance of about one mile.

Both belts were connected at this spot by the trench. In the west, the trench began from the north of the Sal’a hills and joined the end of the easterly belt at Shaykhayn.

The Prophet ﷺ divided his men into units of ten with each
responsible for diffing forty cubits. He himself participated in the task of digging the trench and carrying the loads of earth. It was a massive undertaking, and the Muslims worked steadily. 

Their morale soared as they relied on their faith in Allah and their devotion to His Prophet ﷺ for moral sustenance. The Companions sang praises of Allah and the Prophet ﷺ joined in. When the Prophet ﷺ sang the Companions responded. They bore with quiet
heroism the rigorous hardships before them, particularly the biting cold and gnawing hunger. A handful of barley was procured and cooked in rancid, foul smelling fat. Swallowing the food was a challenge in itself.

Once a man went to the Prophet ﷺ complaining of debilitating hunger. As proof, each showed him a slab of stone tied to his belly to stave off the hunger pangs. 
The Prophet ﷺ lifted his shirt. Tied to his abdomen were two slabs of stone.

The pagans had clamoured for miracles to confirm the divine
nature of the Prophet’s message. Allah had sent them signs that they ignored. During the excavation of the trench, Allah sent the Muslims several signs of His grace, signs that increased their faith and sustained them through adversity.

On one occasion, Jabir bin Abdullah could not bear to see
the Prophet ﷺ assailed by severe hunger. He slaughtered a ewe, and his wife ground about 2 ½ kilograms of barley. He then went to the Prophet ﷺ and discretely invited him and a few of the Prophet’s Companions.

The Prophet ﷺ accepted the invitation, but brought everyone along – all one thousand of them. Everyone ate until he was full, but the pot remained replete and the bread continued to bake unchecked.

Similarly, once, the sister of Nu’man bin Bashir took a
handful of dates for her father and maternal uncle. The Prophet ﷺ took the dates and scattered them on a cloth. He then called all the men as they worked away from the trench. Each of them ate to his fill and left, but the dates kept multiplying and could barely be contained within the cloth.

But another big sign is going to happen soon 

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