Ruling on Burying Nails, Cutting Them at Night and Saying Bismillaah Over Them

All praise be to Allah. Many people believe that cutting nails at a tight time is not permissible and that one has to spicy and say bismillah on the nail thrice before throwing it away. It is also believed that the nails must only be buried and not thrown here and there so that shayateen will not be able to take or use it.

Our Muslim brothers and sisters must know that there is no basis for saying that cutting the nails at night is haraam. It is permissible to cut one’s nails at any time, whenever he wants, day or night.

Similarly, there is no basis for saying that one must say bismillah thrice and spit before cutting nails or throwing them away. It is also not correct to say that the nails must be buried so to prevent shayatan to use them. A hadeeth was narrated concerning that which is da’eef jiddan (very weak). It is permissible to throw them in the garbage or down the drain or to bury them. If a person fears that they may fall into the hands of those who practice sihr (witchcraft) then he should dispose of them in a place where they will not be able to get hold of them.

And Allaah knows best.

May Allah guide us all.

Islamic Reminder: