1) Some scholars say that there is no difference between the two terms, they are synonyms.
But Allah says in the Quran: “And We did not send before you any messenger or prophet except that when he spoke [or recited], Satan threw into it [some misunderstanding].” (Quran 22:52)
- According to this definition, Adam (AS) could not be a prophet as there was no messenger (or a shariah) before him. But we know he was a prophet as Abu Umamah relates that once, a man asked Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and asked him: “Had Adam been a Prophet?” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) answered: “Yes.” [Sahih Ibn Hibban (6190)].
- Isa (AS) did not bring a new law, but he is still called a Messenger in the Quran. ❝And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: “O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me.❞ (Quran 61:6)
- Dawud (AS) and Sulayman (AS), both had books revealed to them. Still they were both prophets, not messengers. They both followed the sharia of Musa (AS). Zabur (The Psalms of David) still to this day is nothing but songs of praise for the Lord Almighty. It contains no laws.
- A Prophet is also commanded to call people, convey the Message and judge among the people. The following hadith proves this: ❝When the Prophet (s.a.w) was taken for the Night Journey, he passed by some Prophets, with them were some people; and some Prophets, with them was a group of people; and some Prophets, with them there was no one.❞ (Jami Tirmidhi: Vol. 4, Book 11, Hadith 2446). So we deduct that prophets are meant to be followed, and how can people follow them if they don’t preach?
- Also it doesn’t make sense because concealing knowledge is a sin and its mandatory for every Muslim to gain and spread knowledge of the Deen.
Dr. Israr Ahmed summarizes the differences between a prophet and a messenger:
1. Every messenger is a prophet, but every prophet is not necessarily a messenger. Thus prophet is a broader term and messengers are special.
2. When prophet is designated towards a disbelieving people for propagating the message of Islam, he then becomes a messenger. Prophet-hood is a high rank given to special friends of Allah who receive revelation from Him, but messenger-hood is a special appointment, designation.
❝Adam (peace be upon him) was the first of the Prophets, as Abu Umamah relates that once, a man asked Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and asked him: “Had Adam been a Prophet?” Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) answered: “Yes.” [Sahih Ibn Hibban (6190)]. But he was not a Messenger, because of the hadith about intercession in which it says that the people will go to Noah and say; ‘O Noah! You are the first amongst the messengers of Allah to the people of the earth, and Allah named you a thankful slave.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 3340)
This text clearly indicates that Nuh was the first of the Messengers. And Allah knows best.❞