Day of Distinction
With Abu Jahl’s death the Quraysh were humbled. They
scattered, defeated by an army of men and angels, and thus ended the Battle of Badr.
It was fought not for territory, riches, or honour, but to make belief in Allah victorious over unbelief
Utbah bin Rabi’a, who was one of the first to challenge the Muslims in a preliminary duel, fought against his son
The day came to be called “Yaum Al-Furqan” ,
Fourteen Muslims were honoured with martyrdom during the Battle of Badr (Six Muhajireen and eight Ansar). They were buried at Badr, and their grave sites are still known today.
On the pagan side, seventy men were slain and an equal
number were taken captive. Most of the dead were tribal notables and chieftains. In fact, the bodies of twenty-four pagan chieftains were thrown into a foul-smelling well.
The Prophet ﷺ and his men stayed in Badr for three days.
When he was about to begin his journey back to Madinah
“O Prophet ,” Umar asked, “How can you talk to bodies which have no soul?”
“They hear me just as you do, but they cannot answer,
The news of Badr reaches Makkah
The pagans who had escaped carried the news of their defeat
back to Makkah. The Makkans were crushed and disgraced.
Unwilling to give the Muslims, still in Makkah a chance to see them grieve; they prohibited mourning over their dead and captured.
Refraining from mourning, however, would not be easy. For
example, Aswad bin Muttalib lost three sons at Badr, and he desperately wanted to lament for his dead sons. One night he heard a woman weeping uncontrollably and he assumed that mourning had been permitted. He immediately sent a slave to find out if it was so. He found out that mourning was still banned – the woman was crying for her lost camel. When he learned this, he raged:
“She cries because her camel is lost and restlessness has disrupted her sleep? Cry not over the camel, but over Badr where fortune fell on an evil day!”
The Prophet ﷺ sent two messengers to announce the victory to the people of Madinah
Abdullah bin Rawaha went to northern Madinah, while Zayd bin Haritha went to southern Madinah. The people of Madinah had been worried, especially as the Jews had spread rumours that the mighty Quraysh had overpowered the Muslims. When the Prophet’s messengers arrived, the people shouted, “Allahu Akbar! Allah is Most Great!” The Muslims were jubilant. Allah had given them victory, and they were serene in their belief that Allah would reward those Muslims who fell in battle.
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