Abu Masud ‘Uqbah bin Amr al-Ansari al-Badri, radiyallahu anhu, reported that the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad sallallahu Alayhi walayhi wasallam, said:
“Among the things that people have found from the words of the previous prophets was: ‘If you feel no shame, then do as you wish.’”
For better understanding the concept of HAYA we first look at its definition
What is HAYA?
According to Ustad Jamaludin Zarabozo Haya should be considered as modesty, shame, bashfulness and shyness. It make person capable to permit their self from dirty things which attract to them. It is derived from the word ‘Al-Hayah’.which means life or Hayat. If a person who have no Haya so it should be consider as death person in Islam.
The word haya’ is derived from the word “al-hayah”, which means life, as if the person who has no haya’ (modesty) is like a dead person. It is one of the most important aspects of Islam which every Muslim should retain and obtain in their daily routine. Islam encourages the concept of Haya several times through Hadith and Quranic verses.
Following Hadith mentioned below describe this concept in a more appropriate manner
“Haya (modesty) and Iman (faith) are two that go together. If one is lifted, the other is also lifted.”
[Recorded by al-Hakim]
“Al-Haya’ is part of Iman.”
In other words
“Haya’ does not produce but goodness.”
[Recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Misconceptions linked with Haya:
These all hadith clear that Haya is a part of Iman and without Haya no one become a good Muslims or its Iman never be completed. Haya is one of the most beautiful thing which Allah gifted to every Muslim heart. It give peace and provide satisfaction to Muslims. Its a most beautiful part of every Muslims nature which keep away from evil. Some People mix the concept of Haya with silence and passive behavior on wrong doings which happening around them. Although, Haya is totally different from this, as it encourage Muslim to do Good and righteous things and at the same time it save Muslims from wrong or evil things. It make capable to every Muslims to raise their voice when seeing bad things happening around them.
Another misperception related to HAYA is to not seeking knowledge or not asking questions on sensitive issues because of shyness and modesty. But, this is the wrong concept. Every muslins have right to asked question on issues which they don’t understand. At the same time, the way of asking question should be different or have some ethical values include on it .Sometimes parents and teachers treat their children and student in a wrong manner or show them that they are not being modest if they asked question on a sensitive issues. But, this attitude need to be changed. Instead of that, they encourage them to asking question so that more people which present there also get benefit by clarifying their concept. Another misconception affiliated with Haya, is also not doing what is right and allowed in Islam. For example not taking away harmful thing from the street and not help disabled and give seat to elderly or to help elderly by crossing them road.
Haya is a great concept of Islam which simply means to feel ashamed of Allah when do any indecent act just to remind yourself that Your Allah sees you and knowing all things about you. Iman and Haya are linked together when the Muslim have Iman they have haya and vice versa. In this modern age Muslims are confused and misunderstood this concept by linked it societal norms and ideologies. Muslims need to understand this concept by taking help above mentioned hadiths and Quranic verses and practiced it in their daily life.
By Samia Israr Ahmed