Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler


Do not worry about money today because your wealth has already been written by Allah. We spend most of our time and energy chasing and worrying about money, yet it is paramount to understand that your allotted wealth in life had already been set by Allah before you were born, just like the date of your death. Nothing you do can increase it or decrease it. So work for your provision in a halal manner, because Allah commands you to work, but do not give your soul to chasing and stressing over money, whilst forgetting that the reason why you are commanded to work in the first place is to sustain yourself so you are able to fulfil your life’s purpose of worshiping Allah (through prayers, spending time with your family, giving to charity, and so on). Know that, no matter how much extra time you put at work while skipping your prayers, how much you stress or how much you partake in illegal money making acts, the specific amount that is written for you will come to you, regardless.

“If the Son of Adam ran away from his provision as he runs away from death, then his provision would find him just as death finds him” Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalam. Collected by Abu Ma’eem in Al- Hilayah and Classified as Hasan by Al-Albani

Simply make duaa to Allah that He puts Blessing and Barakah in your wealth and focus on the important things today. What is being pursued in your life? Many a times we’ve been told that we’re just travellers in this world, that is full of deception and lies. What’s everlasting is in the next life. So let us not get drifted away by this dunya..

Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler along a path.”
Ibn Umar would say, “If you make it to the evening, do not wait for the morning. If you make it to the morning, do not wait for the evening. Take from your health for your sickness, and from your life for your death.”
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 6053
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Bukhari

Ya Allah, Do keep Dunya in our hands & Akhirah in our hearts.
Ya Rabb. Fix our hearts, comfort our souls..
Ya Allah, change us until we are someone You are pleased with.
Aameen Ya Rabbal Alameen

Islamic Reminder: