Bargaining and Renunciation (30)
Utbah then left and went directly to his comrades. As he approached them, they noticed a strange expression on his face. They asked him what had happened, and he related what had passed between him and Muhammad ﷺ : “I have heard a discourse the like of which I have never heard. I swear to God, O Quraysh, that it is not poetry, nor is it the result of spells or witchcraft. Take my advice and leave this man alone. By God, something more astonishing is bound to happen than what I have heard. Now, if the Arabs kill this man, your task will be accomplished by others, and if this man brings the Arabs under his control, his kingdom will be your kingdom, his honour will be your honour, and he will prove fortunate for you.”
Utbah’s audience grew suspicious. “You have been
bewitched by his tongue,” they said. “This is my opinion,” replied Utbah. “Now you may do whatever you think fit.”
If Muhammad ﷺ could not be tempted to renounce his
religion, the Makkans thought, perhaps he would compromise.
They sent a group of men to Muhammad ﷺ with a suggestion as to how each side in the dispute could be made happy.
“We wish to place before you something which will set the matter right for you,” they proudly announced to the Prophet ﷺ .
“What’s that?” The Prophet ﷺ asked.
“You worship our gods for one year,” they explained, “and
we worship your God for one year. That way, if our religion is true, you will have a share of the reward, and if your religion is true, we will have a share.”
In reply to this suggestion from the Quraysh, Surah AlKafiroon (The Unbelievers) was revelaed: “Say: O you who reject faith. I do not worship that which you worship. And you do not worship that which I worship. And I will never worship that which you worship. Nor will you ever worship that which I worship. To you be your religion, and to me be mine.” (109: 1-6)
Allah also revealed two additonal verses stressing the
monotheistic purity of Islam:
“Say: Is it someone other than Allah that you order me to worship, O ignorant ones?” (39: 64)
The next verse was also revealed in connection with the
Quraysh’s suggestion, and further drives home the point: “Say: I have forbidden to worship those whom you pray to.” (6: 56)
The Makkans, however, still believed that they could bargain
with the Prophet ﷺ. “Bring another Qur’an in place of this one,” they haggled. “Or make some changes in the present one.”
In response to this request, Allah told the Prophet ﷺ: “And
when my clear evidences are recited to them, those who do not look forward to meeting Me, say, ‘Bring another Qur’an or change this one.’ Say to them: It is not for me to change it of my own accord. I only follow what is revealed to me. And I fear that if I disobey my Lord, I will meet with a terrible punishment on the Day of Judgment.” (10: 15)
Other verses were also revealed which made it clear that the Prophet’s ﷺ role was not to bargain with the pagans, but to convey the message just as it was revealed to him: They were about to tempt you away from that which I revealed to you, hoping to fabricate something in My name. They would certainly have made you their friend. And if I had not strengthened you, you would have inclined to them a little. And if you had done so, I would have made you taste a double portion of punishment in this life and a double portion after death, and you would not have found anyone to help you against Me.” (17: 73-75)
Once the Makkans understood that the Prophetﷺ was
sincere in his beliefs and was not prepared to compromise, they were determined to find out whether he was an actual prophet or just imagined himself to be one
Do you want to know what happened
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to be continue in sha Allah
Read from first part