Allah loves Al Muhsineen!

The Muhsineen:

In the saying of Allaah تعالى:

وَأَحْسِنُوا إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِينَ

Shaikh al-`Uthaymeen رحمه الله said:

{And do good} meaning: “Do al-Ihsaan (good) in (regards to) the worship of the Creator, as well as in dealing with the creation.” As for al-Ihsaan in worship of the Creator, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم has explained this when he said:

أن تعبد الله كأنك تراه فإن لم تكن تراه فإنه يراك

“That you worship Allaah as if you are seeing Him and if you cannot do this (then know) that He is seeing you.” [Saheeh Muslim]

As for al-Ihsaan in dealing with the creation: Then you should deal with them in the way as you would love to be dealt with – dealing with righteousness and avoiding harm.

Mohsineen are the people, who avoid extremes in their daily lives and maintain a normal and well-balanced behavior, in accordance with the teachings of the Qur’an.

{Truly, Allaah loves al-Muhsinoon (the good-doers)} this is for motivating towards al-Ihsaan. If al-Ihsaan had no other benefit for the Believers except this (that Allaah تعالى loves those who deal with al-Ihsaan), this (factor alone) should be sufficient for them to deal with al-Ihsaan.

[from the Tafseer of Surah al-Baqarah (2): 195]
Quran is supposed to be a source of guidance and peace for all of us, but why is it that sometimes we feel it is not bringing in our lives what it promises to bring?

That is because, Allah has set prerequisites – For Quran to be a source of “Rehmat” & “Hidayat”, You need to become one of the “Mohsineen” first.

  1. Who are Mohsineen?
    – Those who Establish prayer (Salah)
    – Those who give/spend in the way of God (Zakah)
    – Those who believe that Akhirah is real – that we are all supposed to be judged (on the basis of our right & wrongdoings) one day.
    Allah loves Excellence

Excellence or Ihsan means going beyond our limits to excel in our search for the love of Allah S.W.T..

Our quest for Excellence for the sake of Allah S.W.T should be demonstrated in all aspects of our life.

May Allah S.W.T make us among those who are mohsineen, who seek excellence in all tasks of their lives only for the sake of Allah S.W.T. Ameen

Delighted Nebula: