Allah is Near!

To all the Muslim women facing seemingly impossible challenges – whether it is death, divorce, financial instability and poverty, abuse, and so much more – know that you are, each and every single one of you, a believing woman who is precious in the Sight of Allah.

So many women of our Islamic history went through great trials and tribulations, yet they emerged as stronger believers and stronger women… for though Maryam (‘alayhassalaam) cried out, wishing that she had died before experiencing the agony of childbirth, she was still the woman whom Allah honoured above most of humankind, whose name He immortalized in the Qur’an for eternity.

Though Khadijah (ra) died in the wilderness of Shi’ib Abi Talib, sacrificing her wealth and her life for her faith, she was declared one of the greatest women of existence.

Though Asmaa’ bint ‘Umays left behind her home and her family members to emigrate to a foreign land for the sake of her Deen, though she struggled to raise her children far from the Prophet Muhammad (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), she was beloved to Allah and His Messenger.

Know that whatever situation you are facing, there were Muslim women before you who faced similar – women who struggled, women who wept, women who faltered – but ultimately, they were women who turned back to Allah and went on, earning His Forgiveness and His Reward.

Truly, Allah is al-Wadud – the Most Loving – and He loves the believers… and that includes YOU.

He created you for a purpose, *with* a purpose, and He knows you intimately. He knows every moment of pain and conflict that you are going through. He knows you, and He loves you, and He wants the best for you – He wants Jannah for you, and His Love and Mercy are always just a mere instant away from us. No difficulty is too great for Him to alleviate, and no sin is too great for Him to forgive.

The Love of the Creator is greater than any earthly love, and it is that Divine Love which encompasses us each day that we profess our belief in Allah and His Messenger. What greater comfort could we have than that?

Allah said:
“I am as My servant thinks (expects) I am. I am with them when they mention Me.
If they mention Me to themselves, I mention them to Myself;
and if they mention Me in an assembly, I mention them in an assembly greater than it.
If they draws near to Me a hand’s length, I draw near to them an arm’s length.
And if they come to Me walking, I go to them running.”
(Hadith Qudsi; Sahih Muslim).