Across the trench

Across the trench (85)

The soil the men encountered was rocky and obdurate. Jabir
and his group struck a particularly rocky patch that failed all their efforts. The problem was brought to the notice of the Prophet , and he struck it with his pick, it crumbled into a mound of pliant sand.

Other obstacles became oracles with Allah’s grace. Baraa and
his unit came across a large rock. The Prophet ﷺ knelt and said Bismillah before he used his pick. A piece of the rock came loose with a light emerging from it. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Allahu Akbar! The keys of Syria have been given to me, and right now I see its red castle.”✊

The Prophet ﷺ then struck a second blow with his pick and
received the tidings of the imminent victory over Persia; the last blow signified the conquest of Yemen✊. In this way the entire rock was demolished, with each blow bringing the Muslims hope.👍

While the Muslims concentrated on defence, the Quraysh and their followers arrived with an army of 4000 men, 300 horses🐎 and 1000 camels🐫. Abu Suryan rode proudly as the commander-inchief of the allied forces and their standard bearer was Uthman bin Talha Abdari.

They camped at a spot between Jarf and Zahhaba. Opening another front, Banu Ghatfan and their 6000 followers, the men of Najid, pitched camp at the end of the Naqmi valley in the foothills of Mount Uhud. The arrival of two large armies so close to the walls of Madinah posed an enormous threat to the Muslims.

Allah mentions the mammoth military coalition in Surah Al-Ahzaab:

“Behold! They marched upon you from above and below,
and then your eyes spun around and your hearts leapt to your throats. You began to doubt Allah’s plan, yet in this was a trial for the believers and an immense jolt.” (33: 10-11)

But Allah Almighty kept the believers firm on that occasion.
He says:

“When the believers saw the confederate forces, they said: “This is what Allah and His Messenger promised us, and Allah and His Messenger have told us the truth.” And it only increased their faith and their submission to Allah.” (33: 22)

However, the Hypocrites among the Muslims were fearful
and querulous. They said: “Allah and His Messenger have promised us nothing but delusions.” (33: 12)

To be continued…✊

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